The Site Launch
Welcome to the launch of mattdesingcreative.com, a website and blog that focus on creativity in all aspects of life. I am excited that you are visiting this page and invite you to explore its content. In this post, I explain my approach to creativity, the genesis of the webpage, what you will find on the site currently, and what is in store for the future.
My Approach, My Journey
My explorations have shown me that there are many ways of approaching the topic of creativity and that most experts focus on only one methodology. The most expansive realm of resources on creativity deal with art and design, while the cognitive science of creativity is a burgeoning area of academic investigation. Business schools are increasingly interested in corporate applications of creativity, and the self-help genre offers many tools to increase personal creativity, especially in the realm of the arts (painting, music, writing, etc.). My approach to creativity is expansive. I define creativity in a way that allows for its application in all areas of life, from our careers to our home lives, and from our hobbies to our relationships. If you are ready to explore creativity to enhance your life satisfaction, this may be the perfect place to begin.
This website and blog have been a long time in the making. I have been interested in the dynamics of creativity and its processes for many years. About three years ago I began to explore writing on the cognitive science of creativity with the idea that it could open new ways of looking at the literature that I study (I’m a college professor by vocation). The more I read about creativity, the more I found the research helping me obtain more satisfaction in other areas. I am still fascinated with academic applications of cognitive science, but in this venue (the website and blog), I am more interested in the ways that expanding creativity can enhance our daily lives.

About a year ago, I was inspired to put my ideas and experiences with creativity down on paper. Those original musings became journals, which eventually became short essays. In the last several months, I have been transforming those essays into blog posts (and writing new ones) while seeking professional assistance in building the webpages and additional resources. The current website is the outcome of years of interest and writing, but my ongoing fascination with the topic ensures that the content will continue to transform over time.
What’s Here, What’s to Come
The topics covered in the current posts span a variety of themes related to creativity. There are posts about the mechanics of creativity, such as the brain science of imagination and activities that can induce creative states. There are explorations of various creative processes and ideas about protecting your creativity. Some posts deal with cultural perceptions of creativity, while others explore how to leverage creativity in different aspects of your life, such as your relationships or your emotional life. Some posts are light and treat topics such as making more imaginative use of color or how to infuse your holiday celebrations with more creativity. Others are more serious in nature and look at ways of being more inclusive through creativity and how prejudice is inherently uncreative.

In the future, the blog will continue to focus on creativity, but I will also expand the types of posts to include related topics. You can expect reviews of books and other media that engage with the topic of creativity, and occasional interviews with creative professionals. I will also write posts about the ways that various figures, famous and otherwise, manifest their creativity in a variety of ways. Again, it is important to emphasize that this space is not exclusively, or even primarily, about creativity in the arts, but rather the ways that we can engage with creativity in all areas of our lives.
You will notice that the posts currently on the site begin in January of 2021. There are three posts per month over the past five months for a total of 15 posts to date. This is the pattern I intend to continue, with new posts going live on the 5th, 15th, and 25th of each month.
Take some time to explore the site and read the current content. I look forward to seeing you back on the site in the future. If you have questions or comments, I invite you to be in touch through the Contact Page. Please enjoy the site and use the creativity resources to get the most out of your unique and priceless life.