Creativity Blog
Heighten your creativity for a better life.

Ice Cream and the Invention of Summer, Part III
Ice cream is the most popular summer dessert. Hot fudge sundaes and root beer floats may fill our individual memories, but they also occupy our

Ice Cream and the Invention of Summer, Part II
There’s so much to say about ice cream! When I first decided to write about creativity and this frosty treat, I assumed it would be

Ice Cream and the Invention of Summer, Part I
The old-fashioned Dairy Queen of my childhood hometown exclusively served ice cream treats. You ordered at a sliding window, and if you wanted to sit

A Year of Play: A Six-Month Update
The phrase “a year of play” may conjure visions of a long vacation at a seaside villa with alternating sessions of building sandcastles and drinking

Lightning Bugs and a Return to Nature
I have lived most of my life in places where fireflies are uncommon. Then I moved to Indiana, whose official state insect is a species

Reunions and the Creative Messiness of Memory
The musical Grease (not the film, but the stage production), begins at the 20-year class reunion of the Rydell High School Class of 1959. The

Dementia, Coping, and Creativity
I have a loved one with dementia. Maybe you do, too. Each case is so different that it is difficult to say much of anything

Superpowers of Creativity and the Work of Neil Gaiman
I recently went to a live reading by Neil Gaiman, an author of immense imagination. Even if you don’t recognize his name, you probably know

Being Home, Getting Distance, and Creating in the Balance
The question of what it means to feel “at home” has been on my mind lately. Last year, my family moved from one region of